Blame it on me (Cover) – By Kieper

Blame it on me (Cover) – By Kieper Hi out there again!  Today I’d really appreciate if you had a listen to this cover I recorded recently at the tunnel below the river Elbe in Hamburg. This time I did ‘Blame it on me’ by George Ezra. The acoustics there are so astonishing, and I’d […]

Vocabulary for your binge-learning craves

Hello everyone,  I hope you were doing well last week and came up with some new songs, melodies and lyrics. Maybe you could even employ some of the vocabularies I presented you with the previous time. If you enjoyed it, there is another one right here. So I hope you’ ll love these new words […]

Chord of the day #12

Chord of the day #12 Hey, out songwriters out there! Well we know, you must be thinking – ‘Hey there was a D chord yesterday already!’ – and indeed, there was. However, this one so wonderful to have another chord to alter your regular D when playing chord progressions. So for today, try to use this and […]

Tom Waits on Songwriting #2 tomwaitsvisualdictionary: “My theory is the best songs have never really been recorded. We’re listening to things that made it through but there’s so many songs that have never made it because they were scared of the machine and wouldn’t allow themselves to be recorded.

tomwaitsvisualdictionary: “My theory is the best songs have never really been recorded. We’re listening to things that made it through but there’s so many songs that have never made it because they were scared of the machine and wouldn’t allow themselves to be recorded. The trick is to get it in there, don’t hurt the […]

Chord of the day #12

Hey, out songwriters out there!  Well we know, you must be thinking – ‘Hey there was a D chord yesterday already!’ – and indeed, there was. However, this one so wonderful to have another chord to alter your regular D when playing chord progressions.  So for today, try to use this and the other chords we […]

Chord of the day #5

Hey out there! We hope you all are doing great this year and already have some inspirational lyrics ready to be played with this chord of the day. Today we’re covering a simple G5. Perhaps this one could be useful to some of you as it enables you to move the shape up and down […]

100 follower special – Thanks to all of you out there ❤️

Hey out there, we just realised, that there are already 100 of you following this blog and we love how much feedback you gave us. We hope some of the tricks helped you to come up with new lyrics or melodies and even complete songs.  Today’s tip is about reading really. We never thought it […]

songwriting-and-performing: “Art becomes great when people are able to see themselves and recognize themselves in it.” “You’re gonna write a lot fewer songs, a lot fewer poems, a lot fewer books if you sit around and wait for a bolt of lightning. I think you should put the pencil in your hand, put the guitar […]

Absurd songwriting tip #9

Perhaps you find yourself at a point, where you have a really catchy title for a song, but just can’t get into the right mood to make up a song or a story, that listeners can relate to. Whenever we stumble upon such a situation we just create a playlist on whatever streaming platform, you […]