did-you-know: David Bowie, Kurt Cobain, Thom Yorke, Bob Dylan, and Iggy Pop have all used the same ‘cut up’ technique to write many of their songs. Using poems or lyrics they’d already written, they cut the words apart, mixed them around, and put them back together in a different order to achieve a more poetic […]

srsfunny: It’s My Kind Of Combo Hey there! Are you looking for some quite unusual words to put into your songs? Well, words for concepts that derive from Latin are quite famous these days, and some manage to sneak into some of the greatest contemporary songs. So why don’t you give it a go and […]

Here is another small advice from our songwriting process. At times watching documentaries sparks not only imagery and metaphors in your head, but the narration sometimes uses artistic phrases and metaphors. And, to be honest, it does not waste your time entirely, as you perhaps grasp some of the important facts and learn a lot […]